So I am taking an online course called Beyond Blogging for Scrapbookers: of their prompts was to write goals for your blog. Here are mine:
Get connected to crafty folks
Get my name out there
Work on my header
Create my own blog designs vs. using other's designs.
Create sidebars/corners of stuff in neat little boxes
Better ways to archive
More concentrated journaling with themes.
...Basically, kick my blog up a notch!
Shimelle (our instructor) suggested these:
Do you want to blog more often?
Write posts that feel more special or important?
Increase the number of readers?
Have more conversation in the comment section?
Get your family to read and interact via your blog?
Start to make money with your blog?
Use your blog to help get on a design team or other scrapbooky thing?
Use your blog to help organise the stories you want to scrapbook?
I think those are awesome, too.